Categories for Buying

Ways to Save on Your Closing Costs

Purchasing property is a significant investment, and the expenses go beyond just the property’s price. Additional fees can accumulate, but here are some tips to help reduce your closing costs: Comparison shop lenders: Besides finding the best interest rate, research the vendors each lender uses for survey fees, title searches, ...

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Is Bargain Hunting a Bad Idea?

It seems like every month there is a new website offering deals on everything from electronics to travel. In fact, the “coupon industry” is booming. This trend has conditioned people, more than ever before, to look for bargains and become determined to pay well below the market price for merchandise. ...

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How to Sweeten an Offer without Raising the Price

If you’re making an offer on a property, obviously the price you go in at plays a big role in whether or not you get that home. That’s especially true when there are other competing offers. However, while the price is important, it’s not the only factor. There are other ...

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Benefits of Being an “Early-Bird” Shopper

“The early-bird gets the worm” is a popular expression. Indeed, there are many examples in life when being early, or even first in line, gives you an advantage. Real estate is one of them. When shopping for a new home, being among the first to learn about a new listing ...

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